CMC Open Cognitive Platform officially introduced at "Application of artificial intelligence and digital transformation 2020" se
At the seminar, he expressed his joy at the presence of students with potential AI projects to compete in this year's contest. These are seen as positive signs as Vietnam has started to have a very young human resource in AI field who is gradually mastering the technology and coming up with "Make in Vietnam" projects that are highly practical.
This is also the first time that Mr. Le Anh Vu introduces a new platform of CMC, which allows institutions to easily deploy and test their AI applications. The platform is called CMC Open Cognitive Platform. This will be the first open-source D.L. (Deep Learning) platform in Vietnam that can shorten setup time, is flexible in terms of deployment and is compatible with developers of open-source applications and application development libraries - not to mention many other advantages, said Mr. Le Anh Vu. Compared to Amazon's AWS SageMaker or Google's AI Platform, CMC Open Cognitive Platform has more advantages regarding its "OPEN" nature, which thus can maximize support for a variety of needs of businesses and technology research teams at a reasonable cost. In particular, this new platform is also a channel that provides maximum assistance for domestic and foreign application developers to commercialize their products through the #OpenMSPProgram.
The seminar of "Application of artificial intelligence and digital transformation" is an event within the framework of IT and Artificial Intelligence Enterprises' Day 2020 in Ho Chi Minh City.
CMC Corporation is currently an institution with many AI applications to support domestic enterprises over the years, such as: #CloudCamera, #OCR (handwriting recognition), #Smartcity, #AIChatbot, #SocialListening, #DataMatching or CIVAMS.FACE.
In addition, as a way to connect students, businesses and experts in the IT field, students can actively share their ideas on the #CloudfunForum. #CloudfunForum is not only a place to update knowledge about cloud computing, but also a place where experts can provide in-depth knowledge, which students can learn from and absorb while they are still studying in universities. Read more: