CMC TS certified to information security management standard ISO 27001:2013 and quality management standard ISO 9001:2015
The ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification confirms that CMC TS has full capacity to ensure the security of its information system. CMC TS is not only committed to complying with the best information security practice and building a safe and secure operating environment, but also to bringing benefits to company's business activities, helping to enhance information security and early detect information security risks in order to take preventive and corrective measures. ISO 27001: 2013 certificate affirms the reputation and commitment of CMC to information security, and helps to enhance the company's image in the eyes of clients and partners.
ISO 27001:2013 certificate
The assessment was conducted in all departments and business divisions and focused on two main areas: System integration and Provision of software solution consulting service. In particular, contents of the assessment include the management of assets and information security equipment; data and information storage; document control; physical safety at work; terms of privacy with clients, partners and suppliers; response plan to ensure ongoing business.
In addition to ISO 27001:2013 certificate for information security, in May 2020, CMC TS also completed the assessment and met requirements of ISO 9001:2015 for quality management.
ISO 9001:2015
The certification to ISO 27001:2013 and ISO 9001:2015 of CMC TS is assessed and issued by TUV NORD Vietnam - a subsidiary of TUV NORD Group in Germany, the world's leading corporation operating in the field of certifying management systems and products. TUV NORD has perform certification for more than 700 businesses and organizations in many different fields in Vietnam.